#ManCrushMonday Tyrone Power in "Nightmare Alley" (1947) - popcorn and red wine

Sunday, April 22, 2018


#ManCrushMonday Tyrone Power in "Nightmare Alley" (1947)


Starting as a carnival barker, fame-hungry Stanton Carlisle always wanted more. From being a carnival barker wanting to know his coworker's psychic code to make more money then to a slowly climbing successful psychic and then manipulating Chicago's elite into becoming even richer, Carlisle is both an awful and yet redeemable character in wanting what he can't or won't have in being a decent person. But there's always something that poetically happens when a man tries to achieve his fortune. Tyrone Power is both gorgeously charming and amazing in this heavily textured role, but mostly gorgeous.


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